Publications / 2002 Proceedings of the 19th ISARC, Washington, USA

Model for Automated Road Construction Control

R. Navon, Y. Shpatnisky, E. Goldschmidt
Pages 425-429 (2002 Proceedings of the 19th ISARC, Washington, USA, ISSN 2413-5844)

A survey of current practices revealed that very little control is normally done in earthmoving management. A model to control road construction projects was developed. The model is based on the concept of automatically measuring performance, by measuring locations at regular time intervals, and converting them into controlled parameters. According to this concept, control algorithms convert the measured locations to produce two types of real-time control data: progress and productivity. Locations are measured with a Global Positioning System (GPS). Field experiments conducted with the prototype of the GPS measurement system prove its suitability as a Location Measurement Module.

Keywords: Automated Data Collection; Benchmarking; Control; Earthmoving; GPS; Monitoring; Road Construction