Role of Expert Systems in Construction Robotics
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Abstract: According to the robotization of construction works, project managers will be more required to understand all of the activities in the construction site. Therefore, relevant management tools are very essential for them in meeting the goal of projects. The authors pointed out the needs of computer graphics regarding the planning ...
Abstract: "The United States Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) in Champaign Illinois is currently investigating the use of robotics to assist in the rapid construction of numerous wood framed buildings during a mobilization. These structures are predesigned to use typical residential construction techniques. Presently, robotics have been identified for use ...
Abstract: The intent of this paper is to identify the basic factors involved in the successful application of robotic systems to the preliminary site investigations of ground conditions in hazardous waste areas. Specific attention is directed to the human-robot-environment interations in hazardous landfill.
Abstract: "The potential for use of robots in construction, agriculture, mining, undersea and space is presently being explored in research and prototype systems. This paper reviews the history and justification for this development including consideration of both technological and economic constraints. The current worldwide status of implementation of robots in construction ...