Publications / 1990 Proceedings of the 7th ISARC, Bristol, United Kingdom
During the past several years, the automation of design of construction projects has taken major leaps that affeted construction. Construction drawings are now produced with CAD programs using standard data, specifications are generated with expert systems that influses requirements of testing standards, while construction contracts are derived from database of documents tailored for specific projects. These changes have affected both, positively and negatively, the quality of construction projects. on one hand , computerization has lead to the enhancement of quality of information presented in the documents, hence reducing the possibilities of error resulting from the transfer of information to the field. On the other hand, the standardization used by computer software and design professionals sometimes lead to omissions and deffects on construction projects. This paper discussions the role that automation of the design process plays in quality of construction projects. It relies on a survey conducted at the local level for several A/E firms and on critical examination of some computer systems that are used in the design.