Publications / 1990 Proceedings of the 7th ISARC, Bristol, United Kingdom
The objective of this paper is to identify and study object oriented constrsucts exhibiting feedback mechanisms required for the operational simulation of construction projects. To illustrate the concepts involved, we choose a demonstration in earthmoving operations. Contrary to manufacturing operations, the "factory floor", i.e. the construction site, has a profound impact on the performance of operational resources. Any meaningful representation of construction operations should therefore include, as an integral part, the construction site. The proposed paper emphasizes an integrated approach to the solution of this problem. In our approach, the various components exchange information during simulation. This guarantees that performance parameters are constantly updates as the simulation proceeds, we are taking into consideration the impact of the construction site on the productivity of equipment, an element that has considerable ramifications on system's performance. Through the creation of a object oriented constructs representing construction resources, the construction team can create the simulation model by specifying its component object. The utilization of object oriented element in the model facilitates its creation, gives the simulation model the ability to update its instance variables through the simulation and enhances the comprehensibility of the simulation model. The behavior of the model through simulation is displayed with the aid of animated computer graphics.