Publications / 1990 Proceedings of the 7th ISARC, Bristol, United Kingdom

Design for Automated Building Assembly

C F Earl
Pages 637-642 (1990 Proceedings of the 7th ISARC, Bristol, United Kingdom, ISSN 2413-5844)

The creation of building designs is examined in the context of in the context of increasing potential for auomation of assembly processes. The general requirements of design for construction assembly are identified. The paper explores the potential for bringling the design and assemble operations into closer relationship by the use of generative methods of design. These generative methods are based on the spatial relations in the building assembly which are realised in its construction. This allows for component designs to exhibit features appropriate for automatic assembly as well as enabling evaluation for component and subassembly delivery. The paper concludes that the extensive benefits resulting from construction automation may be better realised with rule based methods of design.

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