Publications / 1990 Proceedings of the 7th ISARC, Bristol, United Kingdom
Robotics implementatio on construction sites poses significant challenges to both contractor firm management as well as technical staff. Only a few large construction firms in Japan currently utilize fleets of robotics in diverse work tasks. Similar equipment is expected to be implemented by large construction firms in other industrialized nations. However, for a number of years in the near future, the robots will be regarded by these organizations as scarce resources which must be managed wisely in order to produce satisfactory tachnical and economic benefits for their users. This paper addresses significant robot implementation logistics problems associated with optimal robot assignments to diverse construction tasks and sites operated by a user contractor firm. Decision support architechture for the performance of robot assignment plans is described, This architechture includes both algorithmic and expert system methodology and expert system methodology in the formulation of robot implementation criteria and goals. Implications of the presented approach to robot implementation logistics are presented within the framework of a Construction Robotic Equipment Management System (CREMS) currently under development at Purdue University for the Ohbayashi Corporation.