Publications / 2008 Proceedings of the 25th ISARC, Vilnius, Lituania
Multi-attribute methods in road construction can be used on the national, organization and project levels. However, most of assessment methods are seeking to find how to make the most economic construction decisions, and most of all these decisions are intended only for economic objectives. Computerised Asphalt Mixing Plants (AMP) are one of the most expensive and complicated equipments for construction of road pavements. Modern AMP is controlling by computer program, but there still are some problems. Properties of the AMP not always satisfy demands and requirements of road constructors. Quality of the asphalt hot mixtures, environmental contamination, pollution, firm economic wellbeing and possibility to satisfy demands of the hot asphalt mixture users depends on the AMP quality. This paper proposes a multi-attribute model for efficient quality assessment of the AMP. For this problem were selected 9 main quality attributes and weighted by expert ranking method. The problem is solved by applying additive assessment. The case study is presented also.