Publications / 2007 Proceedings of the 24th ISARC, Kochi, India

The Development of nD CAD

Ger Maas, Wim Nijman, Wilfred van Woudenberg
Pages 295-298 (2007 Proceedings of the 24th ISARC, Kochi, India, ISBN 978-81-904235-1-9, ISSN 2413-5844)

The development of Virtual Design and Construction solutions needs a target- and vision-oriented approach at three levels: international, national and company. This paper provides an overview of both international and typically Dutch initiatives and how they influence developments at company level. As might be expected, it is challenging to match target-and vision-oriented developments. The following questions will be addressed: What are the business drivers? Are these drivers attainable at the company level? What are the technological opportunities and barriers? How are competitive edges defined, and what are the common goals, means and developments at these three levels? Are activities at these levels related from a company perspective? What results can be expected within the next three years?

Keywords: Implementation, Virtual Design, Barriers, Opportunities, Business Drivers