Publications / 2006 Proceedings of the 23rd ISARC, Tokyo, Japan

Using Rescue Robots to Increase Construction Site Safety

Winai Chonnaparamutt, Andreas Birk
Pages 241-245 (2006 Proceedings of the 23rd ISARC, Tokyo, Japan, ISBN 9784990271718, ISSN 2413-5844)

Robotics technology is continuously gaining in importance in many applications. Especially mobile robots are already widely used in many fields including construction sites. Accidents in the construction industry have been identified as one of the most hazardous incidents compared to other work environments. We therefore propose to consider robotics technology to improve this situation. This paper introduces the idea of applying rescue robots as an accident prevention and first aid provision system at construction sites. In doing so, the mobility of the robot is a key issue. The paper presents a special robot, the rugbot, and a novel mechatronic component, a so-called flipper, which can be used to adapt the footprint of the robot. This allows the robot to negotiate a difficult environment as it can be found at construction sites.

Keywords: Mechatronics, Tracked Locomotion, Rescue Robots, Construction Site Safety