Publications / 2006 Proceedings of the 23rd ISARC, Tokyo, Japan
Our goal is to provide a Multi-Perspective viewpoint interactive interface media of sketch-based for rapid get spatial layout in Show-Window. In traditional way, designer is used to describe concept in early phases of design by Single-Perspective viewpoint via sketch in Show-Window design environment. It usually makes blind spot of spatial vision in early phases of design because it cant break the Single-Perspective viewpoint. Therefore we present an interactive media of sketch-based that can get Multi-Perspective viewpoint in early phases of design to support designer. Show-Window designer not only can have synchronic interaction with object of the design environment, and have more design thinking and variability of spatial layout but also can immediate edit, revise the vision and generate an optimum spatial layout again, and reduce time cost of later phases of design by design sketch after via the interactive media.