Publications / 2006 Proceedings of the 23rd ISARC, Tokyo, Japan
Researches on humanoid robots have become more and more active in various fields. One of the purposes is to construct a coexistent and cooperative society between humanoid robots and human. The body of humanoid robots is similar to human beings enabling them to walk with a pair of legs and to work with their hands. Therefore, humanoid robots have advantages to work in human environment. So, researchers interests are attracted to introduce them into construction sites for more efficient works. In this paper, the main objective is the process of grasping experiment by a humanoid robot as an example of such application. The robot is required to obtain the object information and the grasping point. We propose a detection method for cylinders using L*a*b* color discrimination and oval estimation with conic fitting. The grabbing experiment using HRP-2 denotes the effectivity of the method using the GUI for transmitting commands.