Publications / 2000 Proceedings of the 17th ISARC, Taipei, Taiwan

A Bicycle Robot: Part 2 System Implementation

Pitikhate Sooraksa, T. Uthairat, S. Kaopratum, U. Sritheerawirojana, V. Monyakul
Pages 1-4 (2000 Proceedings of the 17th ISARC, Taipei, Taiwan, ISBN 9789570266986, ISSN 2413-5844)

This paper presents the realization and implementation of a bicycle robot using the control scheme designed in Part 1. The control hardware architecture of the robot consists of tilt sensors, a turning control unit, a driving unit and a microcontroller. In a control cycle, the functional mechanism can be described as follows: First, the tilt sensors sense the state of the robot?s balance position and then send the signal to the microcontroller for generating a control decision based on the control law. After the final fuzzy control decision has been made, the output signal will be sent to the turning and the driving control units to track the desired path while retaining the robot in balance.

Keywords: bicycle robot, fuzzy logic control, modeling, intelligent control, two wheeled robot