Publications / 1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain
This paper is about the Computer Integrated Road construction project, which is a Brite-EuRam III funded project, lasting 1997-1999, aiming at introducing a new generation of control and monitoring tools for road pavements construction. These new tools will bring significant improvements in terms of management of the work and control tasks by providing computer aided assistance to the various operators, and by creating a digital link between design office and job site.The first part of the paper gives the background project, which gathers seven European partners, from five different countries. The objectives of the project are then given, in general and for the each of the two targeted products, one for the compactors (CIRCOM) and one for the asphalt pavers (CIRPAV).Then, the two prototypes which are under development are described, each of them being decomposed into three main subsystem, the on-board sub-system and the positioning sub-system. The main specific features of each sub-system are emphasized.After the state of the progress of the developments are finally presented benefits of the projects products to the different (direct and indirect) users: road contractors, road owners, as well as the different social and environmental impacts. The paper ends with the links existing between CIRC and other European projects.