Publications / 1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain

The BRITE-EURAM III "Remote Robotic NDT" Research Project

Simone Reto, Giuseppe Casalino, Brian Bridge
Pages 579-584 (1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain, ISSN 2413-5844)

The goal of this Brite-EURAM EC research project is to fulfill a need throughout industry for automated robotic systems that perform remote operations on large and complex vertical surfaces and ceilings with far more versatility and task repeatability than has been achieved hitherto. The final system will comprise of a compact-climbing vehicle that can move freely over large vertical areas carrying a manipulator with seven degrees of freedom. Such integrated device will be able to perform a variety of tasks (i.e. inspections. measurements. cutting, welding, polishing, etc....). This paper describes the whole project layout and the various compounding parts, including the system integration and the field trials with end-users expected performances.

Keywords: Robotics: Non-destructive inspection techniques: intelligent control