Publications / 1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain

Fully Automated Shotcrete Robot

Stefan Moser, G. Girmscheid
Pages 385-390 (1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain, ISSN 2413-5844)

The situation of the shotcrete application was unsatisfactory. With the development of the "Fully Auto mated Shotcrete Robot" the user will have a very effective manipulator at his disposal to spray concrete (fully automated) with the best combination of the important parameters with regard to rebound and time of spraying.Quality control (layer thickness, compaction and homogeneous) is implemented in the application process. That means that it has to be taken only some cores to investigate strength, density and impermeability of water, to verify that the archived meets at least the specified quality.With the registration of the connection between air consumption, pressure of the compressed air, concrete volume conveying and accelerator the control is effected direct via user panel by the nozzle man. Because of this progress the application process can be handled by the nozzle man and the concrete haul driver.Today any spraying can be done in two different modes: manual spraying and semi automated spraying. This facilitates higher performance with less damaging the workman health.

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