Publications / 1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain

Adaptive Predictive Control in Intelligent Buildings

J. Martin Marcos, J. L. Lorenzo, J. M. Martin Sanchez
Pages 623-630 (1999 Proceedings of the 16th ISARC, Madrid, Spain, ISSN 2413-5844)

This paper discusses the various problems which an integrated facilities management system in an intelligent building must deal with in order to optimize the various building services as well as the consumption of energy. Air conditioning control and energy management are covered as fundamental aspects. The PID traditional control system commonly used are described and their methodology and performance is compared with that the new Adaptative Predictive Control Systems (APCS). The way in which these systems solve the previously considered problems, as well as the advantages of APCS with respect to traditional PID arc illustrated and highlighted.

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