Publications / 1997 Proceedings of the 14th ISARC, Pittsburgh, USA
A methodoöogy and several algorithms for interactive motion planning are deveLoped for multiequipment Landfill operations in an automated Landfill system (ALS). A system for establishing ALS is aLso proposed in the paper. To deveLop a multi-truck/multicompactor automated Landfill system, the major probLems can be classified into three principal categories: (1) navigation system of multi-equipment, (2) job-site geometric modeL, and (3) instantaneous motion planning and controlling system of equipment in working place. To soLve the problems from the three categories, this paper will present the methodology to simulate the operation processes of landfill vehicles and equipment in pre-planning a Landfill project as well as finding efficient and collision-free motion patterns to control autonomous landfill equipment during the construction phase. Furthermore, by linking this system to a Global Positioning System (GPS), the efficient traffic routing and collision-free path for each piece of equipment can be calculated by using real-time positional data acquisition in a 3-D geometric model of a Landfill site.