Publications / 2021 Proceedings of the 38th ISARC, Dubai, UAE

Compilation and assessment of automated façade renovation

Kepa Iturralde, Ernesto Gambao and Thomas Bock
Pages 797-804 (2021 Proceedings of the 38th ISARC, Dubai, UAE, ISBN 978-952-69524-1-3, ISSN 2413-5844)

Broad research concepts are usually developed in different phases where advances are carried out separately. That is the case of the automated and robotic façade renovation with modules. In this case, solutions were developed independently in the context of two research projects. In order to offer a holistic vision, analyze the current state, and solve gaps, a conceptual framework was defined. This conceptual framework contained three main subcategories: a) Information Flow, b) Off-site Manufacturing, and c) On-site Installation. Within this conceptual framework, four Novel Solutions were achieved: 1) Semi-automated Primary Module Layout Definition, 2) Partial routing and novel assembly sequence, 3) Robotic Installation of Modules, and 4) the Matching Kit Concept. These Novel Solutions were assessed depending on the working time per square meter and the accuracy of the attached façade modules. In order to have a general overview of the results, these were compiled and evaluated, which offered a perspective for future challenges.

Keywords: renovation; evaluation; time; accuracy