Publications / 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, Kitakyushu, Japan

BIM Based Information Delivery Controlling System

Brian Klusmann, Zhiwei Meng, Noemi Kremer, Anica Meins-Becker and Manfred Helmus
Pages 215-222 (2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, Kitakyushu, Japan, ISBN 978-952-94-3634-7, ISSN 2413-5844)

The definition of how agreed information deliveries in building projects are achieved and implemented for different objectives and use cases is always a major topic in project management. This procedure is normally specified in accordance with international standards. However, the absence of checklists, guidelines and recommendations for action leads to vaguely defined content and blurred structure of required documents at each building phase. Based on the aspects above, this paper aims to establish standard employer's information requirements (EIR) and BIM execution planning (BEP) during the life cycle of a project and build an online platform for the execution of semi-automatic checking. For this purpose, the existing EIRs and BEPs would be firstly analyzed and compared with each other as well as with other standards. Practical experience is gathered through expert interviews and workshops and complements the comparative analysis. Subsequently, the resulting requirements for EIR and BEP are presented in checklists and guidelines, which form the basis for the development of a controlling instrument. To develop an online tool, the information requirements and test criteria of this instrument are then derived from a database of process modelling from University of Wuppertal (BUW database). Furthermore, a workshop among experts was organized to collect the necessary functions of the software. Eventually, the online platform should consist of two main functions: generation of EIR files in the form of mvd XML according to various BIM objectives and use cases from the client, and the validation of the EIR by comparing IFC files from a contractor with the MVD files. The results of the checking could be BCF files or a final report as possible symbols for a successful information delivery.

Keywords: Database of Process Modeling; Exchange Requirements; Information Delivery Manual; Model View Definition; Semi-automatic Checking